Graduating from high school is a huge event in our lives, marking the end of our childhood and the beginning of adult life. A milestone we all remember well, no matter how long ago it occurred. I'm sure it will be memorable for you.
Since you have always been such an " old soul", the transition before you won't be a difficult one. You are ready! I see nothing but success and joy in your future, in whatever direction you take.
I have always admired your positive outlook , your strong spirituality, your musical talent, your sense of humor, and your ability to think for yourself, even if it means feeling like you are swimming upstream. You live big, and all of these experiences have built your rich character. You are one fine man!
Continue to grow and refine your gifts.
Develop an attitude of servant-leadership; for as we focus on helping others reach their goals, our own dreams are realized.
Be a listener.
Try new things.
Embrace every experience.
Be humble.
Follow your heart.
Always do the right thing.
Laugh a lot every day.
Give out of your own needs.
Keep an "attitude of gratitude".
Remember that you are so loved.
In my mind's eye, you will always remain the little boy in tights and a fur collar, singing and dancing through Cats. We all knew then that you were absolutely unique and special. And, although you have traded the tail for the trumpet, you remain very unique and special. I am so proud of you, and I am so excited to see where the future leads you.