Thursday, April 25, 2019


Daylight is dawning at five AM these days. It’s still chilly, some mornings are even frosty, but it’s definitely Spring. The grass is as green as it will get, trees are budding, horses and dogs shedding, and the swallows and hummingbirds are back. I love watching the birds flying around, they seem to just be having fun.
The Winter blahs are gone, and everyone seems to be happier, ready to get outside and walk, garden, mow, sweep, or any number of chores that mean being out of doors.  The work really starts now, but no one minds.....we are grateful to have been released from the dark winter prison.
The barbecues are ready, lawn chairs and tables have appeared on patios and in yards, neighbors wave and chat over backyard fences.  Soon there will be camping, garage sales, farmers markets, outdoor music venues, parades, and fishing derbies.  We pack an awful lot into a few months of the long days of summer, and Spring is the time to get everything ready for a running start. A few frosty mornings can’t dampen the anticipation of things to come or diminish the energy level that being outside brings.
I’m burning daylight, have got to get out there and get things done.